Source: Stills from “Nyad” on Netflix

“Nyad” is a 2023 American biographical sports drama film of athlete Diana Nyad. It is adapted from Diana Nyad‘s autobiography, “Find a Way”. It is directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, with a screenplay written by Julia Cox.

At the age of 60, with the support of her best friend and coach, she makes a resolute commitment to fulfill her lifelong dream of completing a grueling 110-mile open ocean swim from Cuba to Florida.

You can read more about this inspiring true story here:

I failed and faltered many times, but I can look back without regret because I was never burdened with the paralysis of fear and inaction.
― Diana Nyad

Standout points in the movie “Nyad” include:


1. Highlighting the Stories of Elderly Individuals

In most aspects of pop culture, older individuals are often pushed to the sidelines. You rarely see them featured on billboards, and they rarely take center stage in movies or shows.

This issue of the invisibility of elderly women is thoughtfully addressed in the movie. Diana discusses the societal expectation that she should fade into the background and merely wait for the end of her life, as if her existence is over.

In reality, we have so much to learn from their wealth of experience. Their lives could serve as valuable lessons in personal growth and transformation.

Our society tends to be apprehensive about the aging process. The extensive availability of anti-aging treatments, particularly targeting women, is a testament to this fear.

However, aging should be viewed as a privilege. We should appreciate the opportunity to live longer, as it provides us with more time to achieve and experience in life.

Taking care of your body and skin is perfectly fine, but the obsession with looking perpetually young stems from the mistaken belief that people become invisible as they age.

It’s essential to keep your mind young and vibrant, always recognizing that you have options and opportunities, regardless of your age.

2. Emphasizing Life Beyond Romance

Notably, this movie doesn’t feature a romantic love story, and it doesn’t delve into Diana’s past relationships. The primary focus remains on Diana herself.

While the film provides brief glimpses of her interactions with other people, she declines any romantic involvement, boldly declaring that she’s finished with dating.

In contrast to most of our movies and shows, which often center around romantic relationships, “Nyad” showcases a different perspective. It underscores the idea that one’s life doesn’t need to be completed or fulfilled by romantic love alone.

Diana Nyad discovers her life’s purpose and mission, proving that there are numerous ways to live life to the fullest. 

3. Showcasing Female Friendships

The platonic relationship between Bonnie and Nyad is another highlight of the movie. The world often pits women against each other and portrays them as enemies.

This real-life example illustrates how women supporting, understanding, and empathizing with each other can result in something magical.

4. The Manipulation of the Abusers

In one scene, Nyad talks about when the abuse started. Preying on your vulnerability is the number one tool these abusers use.

They are generally very nice to you in the beginning, just waiting for a small gap to exploit. The movie also delves into the cruelty of older men preying on young women and getting away with it.

5. The Guilt of the Victims

In one scene, Nyad tells Bonnie that she wished she had tried harder to stop him.

We should understand that abusers manipulate you. Your mind is no longer clear to make sound decisions, especially at a young age.

Nothing would have stopped them. Society is structured to ensure such individuals hold positions of power and are enabled.

Takeaways for abuse victims from “Nyad” 

1.  The Power of Your Mind

If mental abuse can harm a perfectly healthy body, the reverse must also be possible. Right?

In a scene from the movie, Nyad mentions that while she may be physically weaker, she’s now much stronger mentally.

2. You can move on despite the rumination

The memory or pain may never go away completely. You might experience glimpses of flashbacks here and there. But that doesn’t mean you will be paralyzed by it for your entire life. You can develop methods to tackle rumination.

3. Radical Acceptance

We must not expect any fairness or justice from the world. We need to understand the limitations of this world and live our lives to the fullest in the best possible way.

In the movie, Nyad’s abuser dies. Afterward, she completes the swim. This could be interpreted as an analogy to make abusers dead to you and focus on your goals.

Even after all the abuse allegations against her coach, he was still in the hall of fame. The radical acceptance that only you can change and you don’t expect any systems around you to change can help in moving on faster.


4. Resilience is your superpower

Every abuse survivor who has shown the courage to walk away from their situation and lead a new life should be proud of themselves.

Even when nobody is there to pat your back, give it to yourself. It takes a lot of courage to pick up the pieces and move on.

The mental strength and clarity you possess will be one of your most significant strengths moving forward. No person or situation will be able to break you down.


5. Right Place, Right People

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘right place, right time.’ More than just the timing, it’s the people around you who can either make or break you.

Surround yourself with the right kind of people and seek environments that support your growth.

It can be tempting to lead a solitary life after experiencing abuse, but it’s important to develop a healthy social life too.

Be cautious about who you allow into your life, but don’t shy away from building a strong support system for yourself in this sometimes chaotic world.

The movie shows the importance of having a great team to help you achieve your goals.

As Nyad said,

It looks like a solitary sport, but it takes a team.